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Largest JBM Sugar Factory Capacity in Southeast Asia

Largest JBM Sugar Factory Capacity in Southeast Asia

Not many people would have thought that in Indonesia there is now a sugar factory with sophisticated technology with very large production, namely 12,000 tons cane day (TCD) owned by indigenous entrepreneurs. Amazingly, the sugar factory capacity is the largest in Southeast Asia.

PT Johnlin Batu Mandiri (JBM) Bombana, Southeast Sulawesi is the first sophisticated sugar factory owned by indigenous people which in October 2020 was immediately inaugurated by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). The owner of this sugar factory is Andi Syamsuddin Arsyad or familiarly known as Haji Isam.

“This sugar factory is one of Indonesia’s pride, because it is the first sugar factory owned by indigenous people with a capacity of 12,000 TCD,” said Haji Isam as quoted from a press statement received by Beritasatu.com, Sunday (21/3/2021).

Source : setnasasean.id/news/read/kapasitas-pabrik-gula-jbm-terbesar-di-asia-tenggara